Cosmetic Dentistry

Our core belief is that everyone should have a smile they love to share with the world. That’s why we offer an extensive range of cosmetic dentistry services, encompassing teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, facial rejuvenation, and much more. 

At Mill Creek Family Dentistry, located in Mill Creek, WA, we strive to provide our patients with the finest cosmetic enhancements possible. By combining cutting-edge techniques with a keen eye for aesthetics, we ensure that you receive the highest quality of care.

Smile Design

When you decide to undergo cosmetic dentistry treatment at our office, we will carefully explain all your options using advanced education technology such as digital imaging and the CAESY multimedia education system. We will then work closely with you to develop a smile design plan to guide you, step-by-step, to a beautiful new smile using advanced general dental care and implant dentistry, as well as cosmetic dentistry procedures such as porcelain veneers and teeth whitening. 

Dental Bonding

If you have chipped, broken, or stained teeth, dental bonding is a conservative treatment option for restoring your tooth to a healthy, natural appearance. In the first step, our team will lightly etch the tooth surface and apply a bonding liquid. A resin material will be applied and sculpted into the desired shape. Bonding can often be completed in a single visit and can significantly change the appearance of your smile.

Teeth Whitening

If you’ve ever wished your smile were whiter and brighter, you can make that wish come true with ZOOM teeth whitening. Patients looking for immediate results should consider ZOOM.

ZOOM whitening is simple and painless, and is the perfect teeth whitening system for the busy individual. We recommend patients incorporate ZOOM teeth whitening into their cosmetic dentistry treatment plan to add that “finishing touch” to their new smile. In just a few hours, ZOOM teeth whitening can typically produce at least six to ten shades of improvement!

The ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening System

The ZOOM teeth whitening procedure uses a scientifically formulated bleaching gel that is applied to your teeth, then activated using a specially designed light. The teeth whitening gel is reapplied twice, with each treatment segment taking about 20 minutes. Then, after a quick fluoride treatment, you’re finished!

The ZOOM teeth whitening system has been proven to eliminate coffee, tea, and tobacco stains, and is even effective at reducing or removing tetracycline stains. Following a ZOOM teeth whitening treatment, our patients can expect to see immediate results!

Porcelain Veneers

One of the easiest and most effective ways to create a straight, bright white smile is by applying porcelain veneers. Located in Mill Creek, WA, Mill Creek Family Dentistry can apply porcelain veneers to mask many kinds of cosmetic problems—including chips, cracks, and discoloration. Porcelain veneers are also an excellent way to conceal gaps between teeth and can even fix some rotations and misalignment.

Porcelain veneers are made of thin shells that are designed to bond seamlessly to the surface of teeth. Although veneers can be fabricated from several different kinds of materials, porcelain is the best choice for most patients. Porcelain offers the same durability as other materials while providing the most attractive and realistic appearance.

Candidates For Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry solution among our patients. Porcelain veneers have the benefit of literally acting as a “shell” to quickly and easily cover imperfections. Whether they are placed to straighten the teeth, close gaps between teeth, lengthen the teeth, or change the color of teeth, porcelain veneers provide immediate, exciting results.

Porcelain veneers are also an excellent alternative to crowns because they don’t require the removal of a significant amount of the tooth’s surface. This not only produces less discomfort for the patient, it means the patient can expect a more uniform, even-looking smile than could be achieved with crowns.

To schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation or for more information about porcelain veneers, Mill Creek, WA residents can contact our office today!

Gum Recontouring

Do you have a “gummy” smile? Our office offers gum recontouring to reshape excess gum and expose more of the natural tooth. Gum recontouring can be done for one tooth, several teeth, or all teeth to expose a natural, broad smile.

The procedure is easy and comfortable. First, our team will place a topical anesthetic to numb the gums. We will then use a soft tissue laser to quickly reshape the gum line. One of the benefits of a dental laser is that it seals the tissue as it goes, promoting a quick healing time and creating an even more beautiful smile!

Dental Crowns

If your teeth are damaged, decayed, or missing, dental crowns are an excellent way to restore your smile. Porcelain crowns are a highly effective tool in cosmetic dentistry. Mill Creek, WA residents who come to Mill Creek Family Dentistry for crowns find their smile looks much healthier and more natural than it did before the procedure. When a tooth is fractured, has a large, old filling, or is severely damaged by decay, it is advisable to consider a crown. Crowns not only strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure but also enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Opting for a crown is an effective solution to address these dental concerns and improve both the functionality and beauty of your teeth.


CEREC stands for chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics. What this means to you is simply: fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your busy schedule for dental care!

The CEREC system revolutionizes dental restoration by allowing the fabrication of all ceramic restorations in just one office visit. CEREC allows us to restore damaged teeth quickly and economically by decreasing the amount of tooth structure lost. Using CAD and CAM camera technology to take a photo of the tooth, we get a razor-sharp optical impression from which to work. Then, the CEREC computer technology designs and precisely mills your crown.

The crown is then bonded to your tooth using state-of-the-art dental adhesive—no waiting for lab work, no temporaries, and no return appointments. Simply relax and let CEREC precision fit your crown.

Unleash Your Ideal Smile

At Mill Creek Family Dentistry, we are not just about treatments; we’re about experiences. Our dedicated team ensures every visit is pleasant and every procedure is painless. Utilizing innovative technology and leading-edge procedures, we transform your smile while maintaining the health and natural beauty of your teeth. 

It’s time to take the first step toward the smile of your dreams. Don’t wait another day; your perfect smile is within reach. Connect with us, and let us bring your smile to life!

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